Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

I love this little tradition of ours, and it makes it better that Gage loves it more! You can read about our past 5mile camping trips 
I love reading back on those, great memories!
We headed up on Sunday morning, the days before it rained way bad so we joked we brought the sun. Gage was so happy the entire time, he loves being up there and doing his thing. Again we are so lucky to have Julie & Kurt and their amazing toys and 5wheel. Camping with them isn't really camping but it's the best way! Gage wants to constantly go on rides and he gets pretty crazy with what he wants to do. With it raining the days before there was a lot of mud and puddles. Gage hates being dirty so he mentioned to us about 10 millions times, "DO NOT GO IN THE MUD!" Thankfully by day two the puddles dried up and we didn't have to hear it anymore. 
Finally a picture where we look a like! 
Playing Sorry, he loves this game but he makes all the rules of course!
4 wheel photo shoot, what a ham!
His new favorite face. 
They didn't allow fires this year because it was so dry. One of J&K friends Dan brought up this palm tree. So instead of sitting around a fire we sat around a lighted palm tree. LOL I still laugh just looking at this picture, Gage thought it was pretty funny too!
Our sweet bed, Tyler slept on a similar bed above us. 
Just Gage and I went on a ride Monday morning. He wanted to go up to the highest mountain and so we did. We had a little self timing session on the mountain, he is so my son! Love him!
Okay so this next picture is a little pg13, but it's too funny. This is what Tyler taught his son this weekend. He thought it was pretty dang cool to pee in the trees. Hopefully my constant reminders that we only do this camping will stick in his head! Yes he will kill me in a few years when he sees this. 

I can't wait till the day we have a trailer and we can keep these camping traditions alive. It's so true when your child loves something it makes everything so much better! 


Shirley said...

Oh my that is one cute butt! Great pics, great trip, fun memories. Your blog looks great. You need to come help me out in that category. XO

Lacie @thedanielsons said...

You are such a fun mom Amber! I love it :D And seriously what is it with boys and peeing outside? Tanner always tells me he can't wait to teach Hudson. I guess im glad he isn't the only one