Monday, April 18, 2016


This past month has been the week of changes. 
With Sawyer's arrival slowly approaching we decided we should start thinking about transitioning the boys sooner rather than later. At first I thought we would just wait till she was done sleeping in our room, then move her in. I'm so glad we bit the bullet and moved Nash sooner cause things have gone so well. Nash was so excited to be able to share a room with Gage. Gage was excited too and he's been the best about it! Nash has always been our trouble sleeper but since we've moved them he's sleeping much better. Before he would get up around 6-6:30am. Now he's waking up at 7 with Gage. Sometimes he will wake up earlier but just sit in bed till Gage comes down. A few nights Nash has had nightmare. We will hear Gage in the monitor tell him its ok, and to go back to sleep. He calms down instantly and it's seriously the best moment in mom land! When Gage wakes up in the mornings Nash will just sit and wait while Gage gets dressed. I worried Gage would be put out by the change but he seems to really enjoy the company! There room isn't the biggest, so I am very happy with how we managed the space. 
There first night, all smiles! 
Now that Nash is all moved out we have started working on Sawyer's room. Its going to be amazing! Here's the before pictures! 
More changes and answers happened this month. 
We took Nash in for his allergy testing and he hated life. They tested him for all the nut family and some seeds. He's is for sure allergic to cashews, poppy seeds, and pistachios. He's not allergic to peanuts so we're very thankful for that. Cashews would be considered a tree nut and that is still in a lot of products. We received an epi pen and we will forever be checking labels. His numbers were low enough that they said he could easily out grow it, hopefully he does. Tyler took him to this appointment and said it was ugly. Nash was not happy and had to get poked for his blood twice. 
Poor guy has endured a lot in his life already! 
Baseball has started for Gage and it has been so much fun! He's finally on a level where they keep score, follow the rules, and kid pitch. His team has been doing well and Gage has already scored a grand slam and a few home runs. He's so fun! Dad is an assistant coach and you gotta love that! 
More changes started this month with Potty Training. We didn't really think Nash was ready but we thought hey lets give it a few days. Our plan was trying the 3 day method and going from there. He's our stubborn child so we knew he wouldn't be as easy as Gage. The first day was iffy. I had bribery lined up for days and it was needed to get him to even sit on the potty. By the end of day 1 he was comfortable sitting on the potty which I was proud of. By day 2 he knew how to push out pee. He would sit, push out some and yell done! By day 3 he was waking up dry and holding it longer. We decided since every day was getting better we would continue. The first weekend was rough. We had events where we needed to leave the house and Nash would only use his potty. That weekend he had a few accidents and I was discouraged. By the next Monday it was smooth sailing. He didn't have any accidents for 3 days, he even did #2 on the potty a few times. This past weekend we went on a road trip and he used the public restrooms for the first time. I won't forget him going in Beaver's McDonalds and all of us screaming in joy! 
He wakes up dry and has for sure gotten the pee thing down. Now we just gotta perfect #2 and him telling us every time. We're so excited for him! 
Changes are exciting but they're also sad in my mind. I know these things had to happen but its just hard watching your "babies" grow. I'm pretty sure Sawyer will be in diapers till she's 6 and in a crib till 7 so I can keep her young. I sure love these boys, they bring me so much joy! 

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