Friday, March 18, 2016

25 weeks pregnant!

It has been a while since I updated but things have been good! This pregnancy has for sure been different than the boys. I don't know if I'm older or what but I'm feeling tired a lot! Most days I just feel old and weak, ha! I'm sure being on my feet all day and working two pretty much full time jobs doesn't hurt. Besides thats things have been really good! I get heartburn but Pepcid helps a ton. My hair and face are doing much better than the boys. Still no morning sickness but I did have a nasty cold the past month. No swelling so far. Baby Girl who now has a name *Sawyer* is doing great! She kicks constantly and she's always moving. Tyler is able to feel her now which is always fun! Gage has really grown to love the idea of having a girl and he's always talking about protecting her. Nash has been so cute and every night he kisses my belly goodnight. He also loves singing twinkle twinkle to her. I really think both of them will be amazing brothers! 

The daycare kids have all been so cute as well. 
We've been so blessed with tons of clothes! Sawyer is going to be set for life but that has not stopped me from shopping. 
 My emotions are all over the place this pregnancy. One minute I'm happy and feeling blessed the next I'm pissed over something that would never bug me before. 
Poor Tyler he has to deal with it the most and I feel bad. 
 We have room ideas but Nash is still occupied in it. Our plan is to move him into Gage's room in May/June and see how it goes. Sawyer will be in our room the first few months so no rush I guess. I'm excited to see some pinks in our house! 
 I bought a sewing machine and I'm slowly teaching myself. Its been fun and I can't wait till I get good and can make tons of cute stuff! 
This pregnancy has a lot of emotion. This will be our last and I'm completely content with that. Knowing though that this will be the last of all this is sad. The last pregnancy test, the last gender ultrasound, the last anatomy, scan, the last glucose test, the last kicks, the last birth. It all makes me extremely sad. I've tried my hardest to celebrate and enjoy every moment! From the first week to the last I want to remember every feeling! Having this experience is truly amazing! 
I love my kids more than they will ever know! 

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