Thursday, February 4, 2016

19 weeks, half way point!

 I've been slacking on the posts but life has been busy! A good busy though, filled with lots of memories and love! This pregnancy is still treating me really great! Some days I feel bloated and blah but for the most part I feel good! Baby girl is moving all over the place, she loves to move right before bed. Her movements are bigger now and higher. The only real symptom I have is heartburn. I'm going to try different meds cause its pretty annoying. Sleep has been good, thank goodness! I go to sleep early and enjoy getting a lot of rest. I know this summer that will change and I'm preparing for that. My skin and hair has been good this pregnancy, thats the biggest difference from the boys. I'm still craving sweets and mashed potatoes. The boys are excited. Gage has really changed his mind on having a sister. He's excited and talks about her a lot! Nash is just confused and when we talk about the baby he looks around for her. Both boys have been so well behaved lately and I sure hope its a glimpse of what's to come! I've started buying girl stuff here and there and its been so fun!

We had our anatomy scan today and everything looked perfect. I've gained about 10 pounds so far, I'm happy with that. I'm really hoping I can keep it around 30 pounds this time and not 40. The ultrasound tech was so amazing I don't think we will ever forget her. We laughed throughout the entire appointment. She asked us when we walked in if we were finding out the sex. We said we were told it was a girl but would love to confirm. When she got to the bottom area she yelled out, Look at that huge penis!" I just started laughing cause I could see girl parts but Tyler's face was startled. We all just started laughing and I had to put in there, " Well you can't yell those words out everyday!" She then mentioned, " ok just kidding look at that huge vagina!" We laughed and laughed and I instantly wanted her to have a raise! She confirmed 100% girl! Everything looked perfect and no concerns what so ever! Baby girl was moving all over but she gave us every picture and every shot we needed. It was so cool to see her heart so close and the tech explained everything so well. She's measuring right on track and we're so happy.

Its crazy to think she started as this.....
And now she's looking like a baby! 
 Little Leather Face

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