Thursday, December 17, 2015

Sweet Nash is 2 1/2!

Our little cheese ball is growing up! Nash has always been our little sour patch kid but the last month or so he's really been amazing! His temper tantrums have died down and he's really starting to listen to us! Now don't get me wrong he still is all boy! If there's a ball to throw he's gonna throw it. If someones yelling he's gonna yell. If there's room to run he's gonna run! He's always gotta be on the move and he is not a quiet little sitter. I don't mind that about him. Gage was and is the same way. Both my boys have energy for days and hopefully one day that will benefit them! When I think of Nash I think of his smile. This kid has the most amazing smile. He's a pretty dang happy kid and he's always up for new things. He loves getting out in the world and being with Gage. He loves his buddies and has a huge bond with cousin Bryton! I can bribe him with Bryton time everyday! 
He's 33 pounds and 36 inches. He's talking up a storm and its so fun having conversations with him! He will act shy at first but as soon as he warms up he's a talker! He loves saying goodbye and you're sure to get good kisses with those. He can count to 10 and knows all his animal sounds. He can identify so many objects and he's starting to recognize colors. He loves music, singing, and dancing. He loves trucks, tractors, fire trucks, and dinosaurs! He's for sure a toy kid and he loves playing with toys! He's not the best sharer though. Somedays he really struggles with sharing my attention with the daycare kiddos. He has a hard time sharing his mom and toys but everyday I feel like he's getting better. He's finally enjoying the car! 

He's just like his brother in so many ways but also so different. They're obvious twins but I feel like Nash looks more like me. Gage was our smarty pants and he caught on to everything in an instant, well he still does. Nash does things on his own terms. He's still in diapers and we don't think he's anywhere near ready. Gage was potty trained by 2 1/2 completely. This weekend though we made the switch to a big boy bed. Something we had been holding off on till we knew he was ready. Nash has always been our terrible sleeper. This past year his sleeping did a full circle and he's slept all night since he turned 2! We switched over to the big boy bed and he's done amazing! Last night he slept almost 12 hours! He doesn't get out of bed and he's been so great! We will be going to Disneyland next month and we can't wait! He's loves the littlest things and he's so excited to ride a plane again! 
This past month we found out he has a cashew allergy, possible peanut allergy. He will need to go in and do further testing but it was hard to hear that! He also had a weird red mark show up on his face. We're currently treating it with antibioics in hopes we don't need it surgically removed. He's always been our little sicky, lets just hope it turns into a positive when he starts school. 
He loves dogs and usually mauls them instantly. We need to work on him being a little softer with the pups!
He's obsessed with his brother. He's always asking where his brother is when Gage is in school. 
See that smile, it's the best! 
A picture of his face after a cashew. This is when we realized we might have a allergy problem. Also a picture of his red mark. Poor kid has had a rough month! 
We're so blessed to have Nash in our family and he's just the best! I hate him growing up because I swear just yesterday he was a itty bitty baby in my arms. We have 6-7 months of spoiling the crap outta him before his world is rocked with a baby. Love you Nash! 

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