Thursday, May 23, 2013

35 Weeks, 35 Days to go!

Well we made it to another milestone, the 35/35 week! 35 days seems like nothing when you really think about it! It's crazy we have reached this point, and I'm feeling mixed feelings. Part of me really wants to meet this little man. The other part of me is scared and nervous for his arrival. I've been getting a lot of comments from others lately, which is weird cause I've gotten nothing this entire pregnancy. When I was barely showing I remember trying to stick my belly out in public to look pregnant. Ha, now there is no mistaking this belly! Everyone asks, "I bet you're so ready to be done?" I say yes but in reality I want this little guy healthy and big as can be. I think I'm the only person in history that hopes for a 8lb+ baby. Also if I had him any sooner than planned life would be too crazy with my work. So I'm really shooting for him to come NO EARLIER than June 15th, why June 15th you ask? Well that's our anniversary and I've said from the beginning it would be kinda cool if he came that day. Or even better Fathers Day lands on June 16th this year, that would be pretty cool too! That would only be 10 days early, so yes the waiting game begins! I like this part of pregnancy, the not knowing what could happen. Most of my friends that have been pregnant with me have now had their babies. Some a few weeks/months early, this makes me excited as well! We're pretty ready on the preparing aspect. We have everything we need, thanks to having another boy. We have most things washed and ready to go. His hospital bag and Gage's bags are packed. I've yet to pack Tyler's and mine, maybe next week I'll get to that. It's crazy next week marks June 1st!! 

How far along? 35 weeks!
Baby's size? A Cantalope, Yum! 
Total weight gain: Up 30lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes, the selection isn't the prettiest! 
Sleep: Still really good, in 5 weeks that will all be different. 
Best moment(s) this past week: Gage's preschool graduation was yesterday. He was so cute and memorized his lines and songs like a champ. I could not be more proud of that boy! 
Miss Anything? A cold beer sounds quite lovely right now. 
Movement: He rarely moves, and some days it scares the crap out of me. At night though I do get a good 10-15 movements in an hour so I'm thankful for that. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still meat.
Cravings: No more cravings which is great, still enjoying food though. :) 
Labor Signs: Monday night I went to Target with Gage. Once we started shopping I was getting major period like cramps. I had to stop walking at points because they were so strong. Nothing time able and nothing that stopped. They continued on till Tuesday around 4pm. Thankfully I haven't got them since and I'm sure they were just Braxton Hicks. I never had them with Gage so it was all new to me. Besides that I got nothing! :) 
Gender: Boy! 
Symptoms: Some Heartburn but that's it! 
Belly Button in or out? Flat
Wedding rings on or off? Off!
Looking forward to:Memorial Weekend, we're going camping at 5 mile pass. It will be nice to get away and relax for two days. The weekend after that we will be going to Park City to celebrate our anniversary with Gage and to enjoy some time just the 3 of us! 
your baby at 35 weeks
  • Now, his hearing is fully developed, and he responds best to high-pitched noises.
  • If it's a boy, his testes have probably fully descended.

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