Thursday, May 16, 2013

34 weeks!

This past week went a little slower than others. I'm starting to get anxious and excited and that always makes time go slow. Everything is going really well and he's treating me great. We had a doctors appointment this morning and all is well with both of us. I do have some swelling in my feet but besides that we're good. Next appointment is in two weeks (36 weeks) then I will be going every week. That's just craziness right there! I'm getting so excited to see what he looks like. Gage was nice and tan and dark brown hair. I'm thinking this little man will be the opposite. I'm guessing a baldy with blue eyes. haha! 

How far along? 34 weeks!
Baby's size? A mango. 
Total weight gain:  30lbs! Up 5lbs from last appointment. I'm going to blame it on my swelling not on my sugar addiction. 
Maternity clothes? Yes. 
Sleep: Still good, still waking up once a night. 
Best moment(s) this past week: Mothers day, and a fun busy weekend. Pictures below. 
Miss Anything? being able to breathe. 
Movement: yes but he's still stingy. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new.
Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Labor Signs: Nothing, I haven't even had any contractions, thank goodness!
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: Some heartburn this week, and some swelling. Besides that I'm doing good, for sure by the end of the night I'm exhausted. My last photo session is May 30th, my feet will be thanking me when that break starts! 
Belly Button in or out? Flat
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, I'm very thankful I've had such an uneventful pregnancy! 
Looking forward to: Memorial Weekend, Warm Weather, and some relaxation before baby boy comes. 


Mothers day this year was a great one. We started out the Saturday before doing the Breast Cancer run. We did it this year with our great friends/neighbors. Gage was super excited to wear his pink bandana and race everyone. He wasn't the happiest when I told him my pregnant butt wouldn't be running. We had to leave early because Gage had his last t-ball game. We had a lot of fun though and it was good walking with everyone!

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Gage sure enjoyed T-ball this season. We're signing him up for Summer ball as well. He sure is cute!

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Mothers day morning we started out at our usual breakfast at Mimis Cafe. With our family growing so fast we decided we need to start doing things at home. We then went to the Cemetery and visited Grandma & Grandpa, then to the park. It was a great morning with my family. 
The two ladies who started it all. :) 

I'm extremely thankful to have the examples and advice of these ladies. Whenever I have a problem or question this is who I go too. I know so many don't have the friendship of a sister or even a mother so I'm forever thankful. I love my mom & sisters more than they will ever know. My mom did good!

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After that we went to a BBQ at Tyler's grandparents house. It was great visiting with my awesome mother in law who I also think is amazing. We then relaxed the rest of the day and had apple bees appetizers for dinner. It was the perfect Mothers Day, I sure felt loved! 

your baby at 34 weeks
  • He's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. (If you're not, start! He may find them soothing after birth.)
  • He's also urinating about a pint a day.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

So excited to meet my new nephew! EEEKKK! You look good Amber, love ya!