Sunday, October 28, 2012

Here we go again!

After trying to hold it in these past two weeks I just couldn't do it anymore. We've been wanting to add to our family for quite some time now but were waiting for the perfect time. Well turns out things are working in our favor so far and we are expecting a new little Lintz the end of June! Gage is excited but he doesn't believe it cause my belly isn't big! He's all about having a brother not to sure about having a sister. We found out early, on thursday October 11th. Since we were trying I knew that day I might be able to get a positive test, turns out we got lucky! One of my favorite things to do is look back at Gage's pregnancy journal and read back on my blog during those times. I don't want to forget anything so here we start the beginning of pregnancy posts! I'm 5 weeks almost 6, and feeling really great! I don't feel pregnant at all, I actually almost feel better than I've felt in a while. I had a great pregnancy with Gage, I'm hoping this one is the same! My first appointment will be at 9 weeks on November 19th. So here is my starting picture, let's hope since this is my second I start to show a little earlier! Gage was all about taking this picture, lets hope that continues! Here's to a healthy non-exciting 8 more months!! 



Britnie said...

I'm so excited for you guys!

Vanessa said...