Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Slow down Mr. Gage

I've come to realize that I don't want Gage to grow up. I know with growing up will come a lot of great things but also some not so great things. As I was standing in line at Walmart the other day a 11-12 year old boy screamed to his mom, "did you get my condoms?" I about died! Then his sister who had to be 14-15 yelled back, no one wants to look at your dick!" Wow! And the mother just stood there and didn't say a thing! As I'm driving home last night two teenage boys stand in the middle of the road blocking me. They take about 1 min to slowly move out of my way and proceed to throw their hands up at me as I drive by. I have to admit I wanted to run them over so bad. Out and about I just about die every time I hear a teenager talk, f this, f that. I know it has everything to do with their parents and their family life but it scares me. I hope to parent just as my parents did.
I feel like these days parents are pushing their kids to grow up way fast. I've always been one of those comparing moms, yes this is a terrible terrible thing. Is your kid sitting up? Is your kid eating 5oz? Is your kid sleeping through the night? I've always struggled to realize every kid will be different and even though our pedi would insist everything is wonderful I needed Gage to be on track in my mind. Well thankfully I'm starting to drop this and let Gage live. Let me tell you though facebook makes it hard. Everyday I see posts, my 1 year old is reading! My 6 month old is potty trained! ;) My 2 year old can sleep all night in his big boy bed then wake up and make the entire family breakfast! My 5 year old is reading on a high school level! These posts take my laid back mothering a notch back. I tell myself well if her 2 year old is doing this then Gage should be. Then I hit myself and realize Gage is super smart and he will do it when it's time! I always wonder if other parents feel this way or if I'm the only one? I guess I'm just trying to enjoy Gage right now. I'm enjoying him in this stage, which right now is an amazing stage! I'm so gonna jinx it but he has been so fun lately. He talks all the time, full on conversations that make sense. He is a joker, he helps out, he is a lover to everyone, he is more independent, and he sleeps!
Anyways I've let this blog become a we had a eventful fun day I will blog about it blog. I need to focus more on documenting other things as well. Can you believe I already have to get started on Gage's 2nd year book? I love this blogging baby book thing, best thing ever!


Brittany said...

I am the same way comparing Kaylee to other babies! It is hard to just let them be, but I am sure it will be worth it.

Teenagers scare the crap out of me too lately!

A Date with Pinterest said...

I feel the same way... It's hard to not compare kids to other kids. But really, sometimes some of the things parents post are kind out there... lol. Each kid is different, and when something needs to be changed, they'll tell ya in their own way. :)
Love ya!!

Britnie said...

I completely agree too! Rylee was as some people might have said "behind" in her talking, but I wouldn't change it. She's talking quite a bit now and I love it, she's probably going to be our last so I want her to stay little forever pretty much! Gage is so cute and he is definately a smarty!

I completely agree with the teenager thing, it makes me nervous for when my girls start getting friends, i just hope they get friends like we had when we were young!

Britnie said...

I completely agree, Rylee was as some would say "behind" in her talking, and it really frustrated me when people would make comments about her not talking. She's talking more now and since she will probably be our last, i want her to stay little forever!

It scares me how teenagers are too! It makes me nervous for when my girls start making friends, i just hope that they get friends like we had when we were younger!