Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dirty Girl Run

We had a blast, this is something I would love to do every weekend as silly as that sounds. I was so excited to get dressed up and play in the mud! I was actually a little disappointed that there wasn't enough mud! It was way fun getting together with all my high school friends, Shirley and Kim. Kim had the great idea for the 4th of July outfits and they turned out so cute! Thanks to Shirley & Kim for taking all the time to shop and sew!

We started off the race on the very first wave. I ended up staying with Natasha and Shirley during the race. I was pretty proud of us we ran the entire way and kept a great pace. We did all the obstacles without help. I was a little worried about the climbing wall but we did it twice with no worries. He still managed to have tons of fun along the way and took full advantage of all the mud! These are just the photos our photographer Tyler Lintz Photography took. They had tons of photographers along the race taking photos of us doing the obstacles, I will post those as soon as they do! :)
It was so fun having a cheering section when we finished. Gage was so excited when he saw us. He wanted nothing to do with touching me though, he didn't like me being dirty.
After the race a few of us headed back to our house and had a great breakfast! I can't wait to do one of these again, I think all runs should be in the mud!

1 comment:

A Date with Pinterest said...

Love the outfits!!! So so fun!!! Good job girls!!