Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gage and his new buddy.

If there's a balloon in our house Gage is happy. He is obsessed with them! Saturday we did his b-day invitation photos and these were one of the props. He carried them around all day and was happy as can be. Looks like I need to be getting a helium tank.
He looks so handsome, the pictures are gonna be adorable!Playing peek a boo with them.

He loves the game of "I'm gonna get you." Ignore my silly voice though!


Nessa said...

holy cow! look at him go!!
those ballon pics are way cute!

Britnie said...

He is soo cute! I love the peek a boo balloon pics!

Tyler & Ashley said...

So cute Amber!!!

Shirley said...

not really sure why you paid to get his pics done! your pictures of him are fantastic!