Tuesday, September 22, 2009

7 months!

Wow, doing these posts really make me so sad. This last month has definitely been my favorite. Gage is doing something new all the time and constantly entertaining us. He has been such an easy baby lately, I'm really appreciating it every day. We are truly so blessed to have such a happy and healthy boy, we love him so much!
At 7 months he....
* is 20lbs and 28 1/2 inches.
*He is eating 3 solid meals a day plus puffs. He wont feed himself puffs but he will take them from us. He loves to throw them though.
*He knows he can drink out of a sippy cup but he plays with the sippy more then drinking out of it. I think its cute.
*He loves solids and we haven't found one he doesn't like. Bananas are always a hit.
*He rolls all over the place. He gets from one end of the room to the other in seconds and can get whatever he wants just by rolling. He hasn't shown much interest in crawling but who needs that when he's a rolling champ.

*He sits by himself for long periods of time, he is really good at it. He reaches for toys and loves playing sitting up.
*He babbles constantly and loves the mmmmm sound, Tyler and I both think mama will be coming soon.
*He holds his own bottle now, but I still can't let go of feeding him.*He has had 3 haircuts, 1 done by his mom which turned out pretty good!
*He loves to be outside, mostly at night. He loves walks and loves watching his brother snoop.
*He's wearing 6-12 month clothes, and size 3 diapers.
*He smiles all the time.
*He is mostly sleeping through the night again. Some nights though he wakes once. He has his bottom two teeth coming in right now. They have been giving him such a hard time.
*He reaches for everything and loves pulling hair and earrings.
*He is almost grown out of his car seat, We are searching for new ones right now.
*He's amazing and everyone who comes in contact with him loves him!

This photo shows so much of his big personality, he always keeps us laughing!


Matt and Amanda said...

I can't believe how big he is getting. He is so adorable! You guys made one cute kid.. you should have another for sure :) What a little sweetheart!!!

Emily said...

I love him!! His personality seems so simliar to Sway's... and he's definitely a cutie like Sway :) This is such a fun age... and it just gets more fun the next few months!

Jessie said...

He is so darling. I can't believe it has been 7 months. Time flies when you're having fun.

TJones said...

You have such a perfect baby! Amazing little guy!=)