Tuesday, May 24, 2016

35 weeks-35 more days.

We hit another milestone and we're getting so anxious! This last month of pregnancy is exciting but also a huge mind game. Every twitch and every symptom you analyze and wonder if this is it? I've been having more braxton hicks but nothing crazy. My back is starting to ache and sleeping has been hard. I literally get up to pee 3-4 times. I'm a little bummed because I've slept so good all pregnancy. 

I had my 35 week doctor appointment and things are looking great! My blood pressure is great, I've gained 25 pounds which I feel like is good for me. Sawyers heart rate was 122 this time which seemed so low but still in the normal range. She did my strep b test which I'll know the results in a few days. I had it with Nash so it will be interesting to see if I have it with her. She also checked me and I'm 1 cm and 50%. Sawyer is head down and ready to go. We got a short ultrasound and saw her cute lips again. Its so crazy how big she is compared to that first ultrasound in that same office. 
I'm for the most part feeling good, I really can't complain. I have all the normal pregnancy aches and pains. I'm still working a lot but try to take it as easy as possible. Sawyer better have a full head of hair cause she's given me heartburn since day 1. The boys are excited and anxious. Everyone seems to think I'm going to go early. I'm having mixed feelings on that. I would love to go into labor on my own, and get to experience that with my last baby. I just don't feel like its in the books for me. Our goal was to wait till July to deliver or get induced because of our insurance starting over. As things get closer though it gets harder adding days to this pregnancy. We will see what happens around 38 weeks and how I'm feeling then. 
As far as being ready at home her nursery in completely done. We love it and I feel like its perfect for her. Her diaper bag is packed and ready to go along her with adorable first outfits. I started thinking today about packing for Tyler and I and for the boys and got overwhelmed. Why can't the hospital just supply everything for me too?
We've been staying super busy so thats been nice. Gage has baseball about 3 times a week. Its been so much fun this year and I'm super sad about him being done. 
My friends threw me a shower dinner and I was super thankful! Sawyer is for sure set with anything she could possibly need! Now lets hope these last weeks go just as fast! 

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