Monday, December 23, 2013

6 Months!

It has not been half a year since this little man was born? Time really needs to slow down because I want this stage to last forever! Nash you're one amazing little boy. You keep us smiling 24/7. You've even made your brother your little slave and you have us all wrapped around your finger. You have the cutest cheeks and your smile could melt anyones heart. If you asked any one of us to jump we would say how high? At 6 months.....
-You're 20lbs and not sure on height. You're such a big boy! Your brother was the exact same way though! 
-You're eating solids about twice a day and you love them! You still take your bottles great, about every 3 hours. You've had peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, pears, apples, and carrots. You love them all, mostly your rice cereal!
-The last 4 nights you've slept through the night! Oh I sure hope this will stay around for awhile because it's been wonderful!
-You're wearing size 9 month clothes, and size 3 diapers. 
-You're sitting up like a champ but still no rolling. 
-You smile at everything and everyone, I love taking you out into the world cause you love to flirt.
-You still fall asleep anywhere and everywhere, which is a great thing. 
-You love to cuddle.
-You'd rather be in a toy or on your own than being held sometimes. We love this cause it gives us a chance to get things done. You're for sure not a I want to be held baby.
-You have two teeth and they're the cutest. 
-You still love baths, getting your diaper changed, being out in the world, your binkie at night, your brother and snoop, and christmas decorations!
You dislike, being dressed, waiting for your food, being on your tummy.
We're so excited to celebrate your first Christmas this week! Thank you for being so amazing little man!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Man he is a good looking boy! Looks just like you and the caterpillar! What does that say for you?