Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall Fun

October is always a super busy month for us, my favorite month of the year for sure! I think I've passed on my love of fall and halloween to Gage as well. We started off the month with our traditional breakfast with the witches. I love this event and it's always something fun and simple to get us excited for Halloween! We left Nash home with Dad and enjoyed our time with the witches!
That night we spent celebrating Alisha & my birthdays. I love that we can stay at home, with the kiddos and still laugh our butts off. Gage loves our "party nights." 
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Gage has been really enjoying school again. He always wakes up happy to go and he always comes home happy. He doesn't talk much about it though, his favorite phrase is "you always ask me that." Could he be any more handsome!
We celebrated my birthday this year at Tepanyaki the day before. Oh I love this place and the company was even better. Getting this group together would seem hard but I love how our family always puts each other first. 
I had to work the day of my birthday but that night we hit up Cornbellys with friends. Gage always loves the place and the fact that it was freezing never fazed him. Nash was a trooper and pretty much slept the entire time in the stroller, he's quite the amazing traveler. It was the perfect way to celebrate my birth! 
We also got our family pictures done this month. We used Fotofly at Thanksgiving Pointe and they did a great job. The kids did awesome, and we just love the outcome. Our little family of 4 also did family pictures this month, what can I say I love fall pictures. We should be getting those back soon. Nash was quite the little cheeser for them so I'm extra excited to see.
Last weekend we spent at Frightmares, another October favorite for me. We went on a rainy day but it turned out to be the best! It did rain a little but nothing bad. We walked onto every ride and got to do everything and more. Gage loves Lagoon and if we lived closer I would for sure buy him a season pass. 
We did some Halloween pictures that turned out really cute! Gage wanted to be Mikey so I knew Nash just had to be a pizza. Most 4 month olds are being cute cuddly monkeys, ect. Nope not my little chunk, I love these two best buddies!

Tyler moved back to Midvale Fire this month. The switch came about last month when they needed some extra hands out in Midvale. I was proud that Tyler was thought of for the help and knowledge and he's been liking being back. He now will have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas off this year! Woohoo! 

These next few months only bring about more excitement and fun! We have a big disneyland trip planned in December and the countdown is on! This is for sure my favorite time of year!!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Ohhh I get the pizza thing now, duh! You for sure have the most handsome boys ever! Lagoon is only like 45-50 minutes away you should by Gage a season pass. Love our family pictures they sure turned out cute. Love that our family all comes together easily too! Lucky!