Wednesday, January 23, 2013

18 Weeks!

18 weeks, almost half way done! I can honestly say these past weeks have went by fast! I have the Holidays to thank for that and the craziness of moving. I'm thinking these next 20 weeks will drag, hopefully putting together the nursery and upcoming vacations will help. Speaking of the nursery I've decided on a color scheme and furniture!
 Here is what we are thinking...
I love the colors and patterns in these! We will be selling Gage's crib and buying all white furniture. Gage still uses his dresser and storage unit so we would have to purchase those again anyway. I've always loved the look of white in the nursery but kinda worried it was too girly. Seeing these make me realize it works great for a boy and I'm super excited to get started! We will be painting the walls the same gray as our bedroom. I'm hoping to have my talented crafty friends help me with the bedding and curtains! I'm thinking we will get started after our 20 week A/S scan on Feb 4th!

How far along? 18 weeks!
Baby's size? a sweet potato, yuck!
Total weight gain: 6.8lbs
Maternity clothes? Pretty much all bottoms. I finally bought some maternity leggings and they've been amazing!
Sleep: Sleep is still way good! Tyler makes fun of me because the moment I hit the bed I'm out! 
Best moment(s) this past week: We had a baby shower for my friend Natasha. It was fun seeing my friends and having some girl talk! 
Miss Anything?  Nope
Movement: Not everyday but once in awhile. I'm hoping it gets more consistent. It was pretty consistent with Gage around 20 weeks!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of steak for some reason makes me queasy. 
Cravings: Tomato juice and sprite. 
Labor Signs: Nope
Gender: Boy! Hopefully it's still boy at our next u/s. 
Symptoms: Heartburn this week has been lovely. Besides that things have been really great!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Really happy but easily agitated! 
Looking forward to: Vegas, San Diego, our a/s scan, and Gage's Birthday!

Speaking of Mr. Gage what has he been up too? He's been super busy with Swim Lessons. We registered him for level 2 and that starts tonight. It's 3 weeks, 3 nights a week. He loves it, and I love that! We wanted him comfortable in the water and it's doing just that! He jumps off the side, and goes under with no problems. He's floating on his back, and can kick off the sides.  He's also thriving like crazy in preschool. We put him in thinking it would just be good to get him out of the house. Little did we know he would become Mr. smarty pants! He now knows his phone number, address, numbers, all colors, all shapes, he can recognize the words, mom, dad, cat, boy, snoop, dog, amber, & bat. He will say the craziest things, and he talks like a 1st grader. I will have to take some video and post it on here. I'm not just being a silly mom, he really is so smart. We're so proud of this boy, he is amazing!

Mom at 18 weeks, getting bigger!

your baby at 18 weeks
  • Can you believe she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing?
  • And she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too -- and she's big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Amber I love your weekly pictures of that cute cute belly. I love the colors of the nursery hence orange and blue with white furniture is the color of our master and I am keeping that theme for the next house so me and baby lintz can shop together for our room decor. And yes, Gage is super, freakishly smart. I am so proud of him!