Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oh Mr Gage


These are all Instagram photos, so yes quality is lacking. I felt I needed to do a little Gage update. Everyday is something new with him and I love to look back. 
Gage is non-stop, he always wants to be doing something. When we do get that rare chance that he's sitting watching a show or something we are thankful. 
He loves doing new things, and he doesn't have a lot of fear. He gets excited pretty easily, and I love that about him. He loves his family so much, and tells Tyler and I daily I love you. He now calls me mama and Tyler dada which we love. For the first few years of his life he referred to me as Amber, It drove me bonkers!! I thank daycare for that one. He loves school, and he loves learning. He now knows how to count to 50. Thats if you can get him to sit still to count to 50. He knows Tyler's phone number. He knows how to recognize all his letters. He knows the sounds that letters a-g make. He can write his name like a champ, and he's a pretty good artist as well. He loves being the helper in school, and always asks Mrs. Brown if he is the leader. If you know Gage you know he's super shy. He doesn't like being around a ton of people, he prefers small groups. He hides behind our legs when with new people. He hates saying goodbyes as well. I hope one day he can be more social and interact more with people. Thankfully he doesn't do this at school, another reason why I love having him in school. He still falls asleep in random places, and loves to cuddle. He loves music and games. If you play a game with him he will be your friend forever. He always wants to be daddy's little helper. Yesterday while Tyler was putting up Christmas lights he insisted on getting on the roof with him. Don't worry I said no. 

He loves his cousins more than anything, but he has always loved kids! He thinks he's 3 going on 13.  He loves Higglytown Heros, & Jake and the Netherlands Pirates. He loves art stuff, anything from painting to cutting. A few funny stories... This morning I was getting out my Christmas stuff. Gage got all excited and of course wants to help!! Were pulling things out of boxes and he starts singing Jingle Bells. We finished getting everything out while he sang Christmas Songs to me, how he remembers them I do not know. He can't wait for his elf "Chewy" to come visit us again. When we do tell him that he has to behave because Santa and Chewy are watching he gets mad. He will say, "but tell Santa I don't want him to watch me!!" For the most part he is a really amazing good kid. He has his days where the whining gets to me but thankfully those days are less and less. Age 3 for sure has been my favorite, I hope 4 is just as good. We love you Gage! 

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