Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update on little man & me!

2012-01-09 07.26.16[1]010912115604[1]
I feel likes it's been quite some time since I updated on Gage.
*He will be 3 next month and he's already so excited for it. We are also taking him to Disneyland next month to celebrate!!
*He's tall and skinny. He has a cute budha belly that we just love! I think he's gonna be just like his daddy!
* He's a huge snacker and an ok eater. He loves yogurt, grapes, crackers, fruit, fish sticks, sliced cheese (not cheese sticks) and did I mention yogurt. He just finally started liking chicken nuggets, crazy huh.
*He will not play by himself. Thank goodness for the daycare kids or our lives would consist of cars and puzzles.
*A few of his favorite toys are his bike, his explorer, puzzles, his cars, tools, and the Ipad. He can play cut the rope like nobodys business, haha! He's never been the type to get attached to anything. Never had a blankie, never really did the binkie, no bottle attachment, he's never really liked stuffed animals. I think this is a good thing. Sometimes though I wish there was a toy I could threaten to take away and he would care. :)
* He loves to whine, oh and how we love it. If things are not going his way it's not gonna be pretty. He can throw a fit with the best of them, but what 2-3 year old doesn't?
*He's a smarty and loves to learn. He can count to 15, can recognize a lot of letters, knows most shapes, and talks like a 10 year old.
* He is really shy with adults and takes quite some time to warm up to people.
* He has been completely potty trained since October. He loves to go potty in public and hates when we help him. I can only really count his accidents on one hand! He did so good!
*He talks a lot about a brother or sister, and I agree he needs a buddy.
*He's a great sleeper and still takes a good 2 hour nap a day.
* He loves to play rough and loves when his daddy is home!
*He can be so OCD about things. He has to have two night lights on, blanket and pillow in certain spots, toys put in certain spots. I pretty sure this is just a toddlers way of doing things but it can be so frustrating.
* He's the best thing that has ever happened to me, We love him so so much!

As for me and my issues, I would say they're 90% gone! I've been working out and getting my act back together and I think that has helped tons. My fingers and toes are not tingly anymore. My weakness is very subtle. When I do run my feet tingle and when I put my arms above my head they tingle too. I was told it could take 6+ months to go away and could have lifelong damage. Good news though is I'm feeling so much better, I feel like my old self again and I'm happy again! Woohoo! Thanks for everyones concerns with everything, It really meant a lot to see so many of you care. All I can say is thank goodness for insurance cause two MRI's and a spinal tap with insurance was $$$. I would run to Mexico if we didn't have it.


Brittany said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better! Gage is adorable, and growing up so fast!

Kim said...

So cute loved the update!!