Monday, July 18, 2011

4th and more

Yes I'm very behind with my blogging, I can't believe July is almost over! This summer has been busy! I'm for sure feeling the crazy wedding season of the photography business. I've tried my hardest to fit in as much fun stuff as possible when I'm off! We started off our July festivities with the Taylorsville dayz fireworks. We had great seats or spots, so close that we almost got attacked by a few fireworks. This was Gage's first big fireworks show that he was old enough for. He loved it and watched for a good amount of time before he got bored! We met up with shirley & fam, it was a great night!
In other news, Midvale Fire is now Unified Fire, which we couldn't be more happy about. They did a swearing in ceremony at the first of the month for the new employees. We are so proud of our Firefighter and Paramedic! Yes I said Paramedic!
Tyler officially passed his state paramedic text on Monday the 11th! He did so well and we are so thankful it's all done! I remember him starting school in January and the horror stories everyone told us. Thankfully it wasn't that bad and Tyler did amazing in the class! Way to go Tyler, we love you!
The morning of the 4th we went to the West Jordan Parade. Our great friends Alisha & Carlos saved us some awesome spots so it was perfect! It was great parade weather, a few raindrops but overcast and cool. Gage loved it! He never got bored or took his eyes off the excitement! When you're a parent watching your child enjoy himself is the best thing ever! He got so much candy and everyone would make a special effort to get him things. People would yell to each other "make sure this little boy gets candy!" He would get so excited! When the "princesses" would come by he would blow them kisses and they would do it back! I have a feeling my little stud is going to be popular with the ladies!
I wish they did more parades throughout the year, I think they're so much fun! We also went with some friends to Kenny Chesney. He wasn't any good in concert but we still had a blast!
Our summer has been filled with tons of swimming and parks as well. If you ever want to make Gage extremely happy just take him to a park with lots of slides. He loves swimming, mainly in our little pool! Tyler and I are big swimming lovers so we hope to get him into swimming lessons too!
I hope everyone is having a great summer so far! I wish this season lasted longer, I love it!

1 comment:

Kim said...

So Proud of Tyler, He is awesome he didnt just become a paramedic he passed the class on the deans list, I am so happy for your cute little family and know if I ever need a paramedic I am in GOOD Hands.... (I think LOL) Love you guys!! MOM