Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gage update!

I have a lot of things I wanted to keep track of for Mr. Gage's baby book, so here we go!

I think you will be on comedy central one day, the things you say and do constantly keep us laughing. You're so observant and you want a part of everything. I think we hear the words, "let me do it," 20+ times a day. For the most part we let you do pretty much everything. You love to pour your drinks. Get dressed, you can now put your shoes on and your pants. You have to be involved in all the cooking, we realized that if we let you help you eat it better. You always have to control the TV, you love helping us clean and put away the laundry. You have to get in the car seat by yourself, and last night you even told us you would put your own diaper on. {That didn't work out} You're getting so independent but you do need us for somethings.

Last night you went #2 in the potty willingly, it was so cute you were so proud. As for being potty trained though, we still haven't started that. I'm thinking soon though, I think you will do quite well. You love to play, you rarely sit still. You want to see everything and do everything. You love playing with kids and you make friends everywhere you go. You are really shy around adults though but warm up fast. You're around girls all the time. We can't wait till krew is older so we can have more boy interaction. You're constantly falling and scraping your knees, you love to say "I farted!" You still call me Amber but now daddy is Tyler too, daycare plays a big role in this. You love going new places and you love the park. I feel like you rarely play with your toys inside all you want to do is play outside. This last weekend we opened up our back patio doors and let you play outside alone with snoop. It was a bittersweet moment that you were old enough to play outside without us watching your every move.

You're 27 months you will be 2 1/2 in August. You're still in your crib, you just barely start sleeping better at night so we decided we didn't want to mess with that quite yet. Here is a little video from Monday of you singing your abcs, also you saying one of your other favorite words, NO!.
The end of the video is our first proof of a baseball pro in the making.

You're 30lbs. 35.5 inches, in 2t-3t clothes, size 8 shoe. You know some colors, can count sometimes, everything is on your terms of course. The other day we were asking you if mommy was a girl or boy, you said girl. What is daddy? boy. What is grandma? girl, what is grandpa boy. What is Snoop? You replied, Dog. :) On saturday uncle Zach and aunt Monica got married. You were the ring bearer and you did so good. You walked down the aisle while holding the flower girls hand. You dropped the pillow about 5 times though, ;) Once you got to the front all hell broke out. The other 2 year old flower girl decided she wanted to climb on the banister, so of course you had to run over and join in.
Z (22 of 1)
Z (1 of 1)
Z (64 of 1)
Thankfully Zach and Monica didn't care much but it wasn't pretty. I will post more photos from the day later! It was beautiful, we are so excited for them!
Everyday you say something new, do something new, it's so crazy! I look at you all the time and wonder where my baby went. I want you to stay my little boy forever, and I cry just thinking about you growing up. I'm so thankful that I get to stay home with you to watch you grow. Even though somedays I wish I could have a day of silence, ;) We love you Gage, you make us so proud.


Shirley said...

That was so fun to read about some of Gage's recent milestones. He is such a beautiful little boy and I love him very much!!! I find it hilarious he likes to say I farted..hmmm sounds like daddy.

Emily said...

this is such a CUTE post!! they really are quite little characters at this age :)