Monday, December 27, 2010


It was a great Christmas, a super busy, nonstop one as well. We were so spoiled and Gage loved the idea of it all. We started off the holiday with our Christmas Eve Pajama presents tradition. We changed things up this year and ended up doing it the same night as the Utes Game. I wasn't really into the game but from what I did watch it wasn't pretty.
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Christmas Eve Tyler had to work at the station so I slept over at my parents. Gage and I got to cuddle all night and I enjoyed it so much! We woke up at 7 and a few minutes later Tyler joined us at my moms. My mom and dad really go all out, always have. Presents galore, food galore, the best hot chocolate ever, and perfect company! It was craziness but good craziness.
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Gage was a present opening maniac! He would tear anything in sight open if we weren't watching him. He was so funny to watch!
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I really did a horrible job of getting pictures. I didn't get any of half the family and like 2 of Tyler. He always says I'm never in pictures cause I'm behind the camera but I think I made a big debut this Christmas. Thanks mom and dad for an amazing Christmas morning, we loved every second of it!
We then headed off to Julie & Kurts. It was now noon and Gage usually naps at 11 so he wasn't thrilled. He was battling a cold, plus super tired made for one unhappy boy. I felt bad but I should have planned our day better around his schedule.c (110 of 1)
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After about 30 min he was out.
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After a very quick nap we had some yummy lunch and had some fun sleding. How I got talked into getting on it I don't know but it was fun.
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Thanks J & K for everything, sorry Gage was a grump, we love you guys! We then headed home to prepare for our Christmas dinner with Sean, Zach, Monica, Grandpa and Grandma L. We put Gage down for a nap and decided to lay down. 2 hours later we woke up in a hurry to prepare. Thankfully my husband is amazing in the kitchen so he took over dinner while I tended to a sick, tired little boy. Dinner was really nice and yummy and it was good visiting with everyone. We kept Gage busy with a race-car set he got and loved instantly. When everyone left at 8 we were finally able to do our little family Christmas. I was a little bummed that we didn't get to do things till that late but next year I'm planning things much better.
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This next picture might scare some of you.....
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Haha, this was a present from my sweet husband. I've never even held a gun and this isn't a gun. My first bb-gun, haha! I still think this is the most hilarious present ever but Tyler insists we will have fun with it, we will see.
I really enjoyed having some time with my boys. Overall it was a great day filled with family which is all we needed. I'm thankful that even though it was crazy with so much family, I should be thankful that I have a lot of family that loves us and wants to be with us! Gage slept like a champ the next two nights he was exhausted.
Gage and his new 4-wheeler.
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Tool Bench with tons of tools.
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Potty, no we are not potty training but wanted one in the house for when we start. He loves it though, and it's pretty sweet.
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He loves to help me clean so this was a favorite as well.
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We hope everyone had a great Christmas, now bring on the new year!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Amber those were such beautiful pictures! I went an bought a super low key point and shoot camera last night with some Christmas money and now after looking at those I don't want it ha ha ha! Gage cracked me up this year he was so funny and so cute! It looks like he loved everything and that he got some pretty cool things! Merry Christmas we love you!