Friday, February 19, 2010

Sick little guy!

Yesterday morning Gage woke up with a pretty bad cough and eventually had a slight fever. He had been playing with his ears a lot the past week so I decided to take him in. Turns out he has RSV which I didn't know much about till yesterday. It's basically a form of a cold but it could turn into much more. His ears checked out great which was good. He is really hating life right now and sleeping a lot, eating less, his nose runs like crazy, coughs a lot, and is just sick! Thankfully it's the weekend and Tyler and I both have it off so he will get lots of tlc. This is his first real sickness so I'm actually really thankful he has been so healthy. Cross your fingers that it stays this calm and that his breathing stays this way.
Better news I woke up yesterday to have lost 1.5 more lbs. So I have lost 8lbs since Jan 4th. I know that doesn't seem like a ton but I'm so happy! My pants barely fit, I'm in need of new ones asap. I've worked hard and I'm excited to be getting closer to my goal! :)

Funny story, Gage hasn't used a bink since about 4 months. I was cleaning out a cupboard and found his old one and gave it to him to see what he would do. Well he used it for about 30 min and was quite fond of it. Even though I'm now a bink fan I'll let him play with it till he feels better!
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Matt and Amanda said...

Poor little guy! Hope he gets feeling better soon. 8 lbs is amazing!! Way to go!

Nessa said...

aw poor lil guy!