Friday, March 13, 2015

Christmas 2014

Nash woke us up at 7am on the dot and then he went and woke up his brother. We recorded both the boy's reactions to their gifts and it was priceless! Gage loved his dirt bike but he was also so excited for his brothers gifts! Nash was really into everything and a lot of fun this year! Both boys seemed very appreciative and we received tons of loves! We all got very spoiled and had a great time as a family of 4. 
Then my family came over for the madness! My parents always spoil us like crazy and things seemed to run smoother this year. We're extremely lucky and our kids don't know how good they have it! 
We got Lagoon Season Passes, and we're so excited to have lots of fun this summer! 
Of course Nash's favorite gift was the balloons!
We had a perfect Christmas Breakfast and it was nice not being rushed. 
We then headed over to lunch for Christmas with Tyler's Family We had a great time and got super spoiled as well! The boys had so much fun!
We love cousin Ayden!
The rest of the day was spent at home in our pajamas opening up every toy possible! Our house was a disaster for that week but we had some great family time! What a perfect day! 

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