Tuesday, July 23, 2013

1 month


Age: 1 month!
Weight: 11lbs 3oz 90% You're gaining weight like a champ! You have rolly polly legs and a budha belly already! It kinda makes me sad, but I'm glad you're a healthy boy. 
Length: 22.7 inches 90%
Size Diapers, Clothes: Size 1 Diapers, 0-3 month clothes. Bye Bye newborns. :(
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Dark Brown/Redish tint when outside. 
Sleeping: Still not the best, you're waking up every 2 hours on the dot! A 3-4 hour stretch sounds like heaven! Hopefully this month we make some progress towards that! Thankfully you eat and go back down really fast. 
Eating: You still love to eat, it's your specialty. You're eating 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours. You're still drinking Mama's milk, some formula here and there if needed. 
Milestones: Being more alert during the day. Recognizing our voices and turning your head towards the noise. You love being on your tummy so your head control is pretty good. 
Memorable Outings: Children's Museum, Baseball Game, first time at the pool! You're a good little traveler!
Favorite toys or activités: Sleeping, Eating, Cooing, being in your swing. 
Nicknames: Nashy & our little goat! 
Funny Moments: You're great with pooping right after you're changed or even during your diaper change. 
Looking forward to: Daddy's Birthday BBQ and his Daddy's Birthday on Friday! 

This past month has been such a great one! Things have really been so good and we're all loving this new change! It's amazing how things are better when you just sit back and enjoy. I really feel like I sulked up every second of this past month. Yes things are already leaving my memory, but that's gonna happen no matter what. Nash has been such a little blessing. He is a great baby and he makes everyone so happy. Gage couldn't be more proud and he always is making sure Nash is taken care of! Gage has been so good this past month. Being patient when needed and helping when needed too! He got extra spoiled this month too. Everyday he did something new and fun and I think that helped him not get jealous of brother.

Nash Loves....
-Bath Time
-Being on his tummy
-The Binkie -for the most part-
-The swing & bouncer
-Car rides
Nash Dislikes....
-Diaper changes
-Outfit changes
-Being swaddled -We're still trying to figure this one out-
-Sleeping longer than 3 hours
-Getting in the carseat
-Waiting for his food

As for me I'm doing great! For the amount of sleep I'm getting I'm surprised on how well I feel. I never got the baby blues, thank goodness! I've just felt so incredibly blessed lately! I've lost 28lbs since coming home from the hospital. 7 more pounds till I'm at my pre-baby weight! I still would love to lose 20 more pounds after that. I got pregnant at a crappy weight for me. My body is for sure different though, and I have a much flabbier tummy this time around. I got major work to do but I'm excited to start! Breastfeeding has been going good this time around. Nash is a slow nurser so I really don't nurse more than once a day. I pump and we give him bottles. It's been working well and I'm happy I've been able to do it. Who knows how long I will do it for, little man does well with formula too. I'm looking forward to my 6 week visit, I've been dying to get into the pool!  I'm also back to work, the 4 weeks flew by. Thankfully I don't have to leave my boys, that's a huge blessing!
Now for the pictures of the last 2 weeks!
A comparison shot of my two boys and their newborns.
I haven't posted about big brother Snoop yet. He's done really great with Nash! He loves babies though so we weren't worried! Here he is supervising Tummy time!
Our day at the Children's Museum...
Watching my cousin play Baseball with family, Nash was a hit.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Thanks for taking my girls with you! Nash is so dang cute, he is my chunky monkey!