Thursday, November 4, 2010

A little of this and that

I have been wanting to post this picture for awhile. This is Tyler and I'm thinking he was probably around the same age as Gage is now. I love that he has a fire hat on, just goes to show he is leaving his dream. Look how much Gage looks like his daddy, I love it!
This last week was the first week of my weight loss challenge. There is 12 of us doing it so a winning pot of $240, I'm so gonna win it! Today was the weigh in and I'm down 3lbs! My goal is to get down to where I was earlier this year, so shedding 15lbs would be fantastic! I did a weight loss competition before I got married and lost 20lbs, it was way fun!

Gage this last week has been using sentences like crazy! And get this, last night he used the potty for #2. Hehe it was a fluke accident but I got a good laugh at him pointing and Ewing afterwards. Some new sentences he has used, "Where is the ball?" Where is dada? and this morning, "I want a treat." His newest words I'm cold, haha so funny! He is such a good boy, we are so proud of him. On Sunday his cousins Kingston and Graycee moved back to Salt Lake. He had the time of his life playing with them and giving them loves! We are so happy they are back as well and can't wait for more play dates! Gage has always been a kid lover, when the daycare kids are not here for weekends he is lost!

Last night as I was laying in bed I decided that even though we plan moving out of our house when Tyler finishes paramedic school. That doesn't mean that I shouldn't do little things before to spruce it up. If you know me you know that I have been holding off on adding anything new to our house cause I knew we wouldn't be here long. Well I'm thinking a new way now and anything we do will only help us get our house sold faster. So here are some on my plans for 2010 & 2011.
*This upcoming weekend buy & put up back splash for kitchen!
*New railing for front room!
*Repaint the master bedroom and doors, it needs it bad!
*Fix fence!
*New light fixtures downstairs.
*Paint hallway downstairs and doors!
I know you probably don't care but having it somewhere helps me accomplish it! I'm excited to get working on things!


Crazy-Cranimals said...

I care! It helps to have someone asking u about your projects because it keeps you motivated =) love u!

TJones said...

So cute! Gage looks a lot like dad! I want to put up Justin and I's baby pics to get an opinion on who Henry looks like. We can't decide.