Monday, August 30, 2010

Flaming Gorge {Picture Overload}

We went to Flaming Gorge this last weekend. It's always been a favorite of mine, we have so many family memories there. This would be Gage's first time there and his first road trip. We left Friday night and made awesome timing. Gage fell asleep instantly in the car and was out till Park City. Once he woke up he was content as long we were giving him toys/chips/drinks, he only got whinny towards the end.
Once we checked into our room we kept ourselves busy by having photo shoots that didn't turn out the best.

Trying to keep Gage awake so he could see cousin Kimberlee.

Jumping on the bed, I see a tradition here!

Taking in the Mountain Air.
and of course playing in the old cabinets.
Our room was pretty sweet, it had a full kitchen, front room, and the bedroom and bath were separate from it all. These are all huge deals when you're traveling with a light sleeping toddler. We went to bed extra late that night, so when Gage let us sleep in till 8:30 we about died! We woke up and had some coffee and cinnamon rolls with the family on the porch. Krew was just terrible as you can see!
So the high lite of the trip was probably the horses. This was Gage's first time ever getting up close and personal with one. He loved them! He even fed one and had no fear about it! We spent a good 20 minutes hanging out with the horses, maybe one day we will have some! :)
We then headed off to the amazing lake. Flaming Gorge is huge and you never have to worry about other boats. Right when we got on the water Gage was out. He slept for a while in my arms. I was uncomfortable as can be but I sucked up every second of it because it doesn't happen a lot.
We docked the boat and the boys fished while us girls chit chatted. The kids got out and played in the water and threw millions of rocks. No really they threw rocks till we had to pry them out of their hands to go. The boys decided it was tubing time but the water was just too cold for me.
I swear once they got on the tube the clouds appeared fast and we knew we were in for a big storm.
So what do I decide to do? Jump on, I can't ever watch someone else have fun and not join in. It was a crazy ride, but way fun!
Right when we got back to the hotel the rain started. Thankfully we put the kiddies down for a nap and we konked too! We went to a little restaurant in the town of Manilla that night, Gage and restaurants do not mix lately. I guess he will be keeping us eating at home, which is best anyways. Gage was overtired, and his teeth were killing him that night so he had a few tamptrums. He still was a trooper though and even made it out fishing that night.
Shirley was the only one to catch a fish, which no one really got a picture of. Gage and Kimberlee enjoyed throwing rocks again!
The next morning Gage woke up around 6:00! :( We brought him back into bed with us and he actually fell back asleep with us. This has never happened. I was in complete heaven getting to snuggle with my little guy while he was sleeping. He slept with us till about 9:00! Go Gage!! We decided to not take the boat out on Sunday cause the wind was crazy! We packed up and headed back home, after saying goodbye to the horses of course!
Gage was quite entertained on this trip by banging Kimberlee's dolls head against the steering wheel. It's not the most precious thing in the world but it sure made us laugh.
We had a lot of fun and enjoying some much needed time with the family is exactly what I needed! I love Flaming Gorge, always have, always will!
The ride home was great! Gage was a trooper and only asked "what's that?" every 3 minutes! :)

And something completely random. I was uploading a new video to youtube yesterday and I started going through our old videos. This video was posted August 2009, so one year ago! I can't believe how much he has grown. Sometimes I really can't even remember him as a baby, which makes me sad.


Shirley said...

Flaming Gorge is always a place to create some wonderful memories! Gage is such a sweatheart! We just love him! It was so nice hanging out with you guys for the weekend! And I would like to argue the first road trip reference... our Jackpot and Twin Falls trip was his first road trip....and he was an angel!

Cami said...

I have never even been there, believe it or not. But I really want to go, especially now after reading your post! Looks fun!