Wednesday, June 9, 2010

15 months!

And as you can see from the picture above it has been interesting! He really keeps us on our toes and is into everything! He is slowly talking more and slowly understanding things, I say slowly cause he would much rather be mischiefy. Some of his favorites are, climbing on everything, stairs (still), bathrooms, jumping, dancing, singing, and he now gives great loves! He is still a huge people person and loves being around kids. He smiles constantly (his new cheese smile is down below. He eats and sleeps great again and he helps clean up all the time. He loves the water and has no fear with anything! He is still really into books and story time. He had his 15 month check up on Saturday and was right on track. I have been a little worried about his speech (he says about 5 words great) Our doctor assured me that he is doing awesome and by 18 months he should be saying much more. He is 26.3 lbs. 33 inches, still in the high percentages.

He is so amazing and everyday I still look at him and how he's growing and get teary eyed! This Saturday he will be a ring bearer and I promise many many pictures of that!

Some random pictures...


Shirley said...

I love love love his cheesy face!!

Emily said...

i love mischiefy boys :) that's how both of mine are! i can't believe how big he's getting... i swear i still remember when you pregnant with him!