Thursday, January 7, 2010

What's new

I've already started working on my resolutions like a mad women. I've been to the gym, spent some me time, lost 3lbs, working on 2 craft projects (yes 2), made Gage's 1st birthday invitations all by myself and they're cute! Lets just say I'm feeling great and ready for a new year. Gage's 1st birthday party is gonna be so cute, it will be firefighter themed of course and I'm going all out. I'm making a lot of the stuff so it shall be interesting. Gage is a maniac, he is in to everything and always keeps us on our toes. He is saying a few words here and there like mama, dada, and uh oh. He loves the stairs, bathroom, picture frames, and anything that is a no no. Yesterday he finally started using a sippy cup and actually got it! He is so funny, we are constantly laughing. Tyler starts hazmat school in a few weeks that will be Mon-Fri 8-5 so he will be home every night! Life is good! Now for the good part, pictures.
He loves playing in this tunnel.

His cute little pot belly.

Playing around..


Emily said...

You are SO good!! I'm still feeling a little lazy and un-motivated. I have SO MUCH I want to accomplish this year, but haven't done much yet :(
I'm excited to see what you come up with Gage's party! I'm sure it will be amazing!

Kim said...

He is so cute. Hello MRS. ON TOP OF IT. you are good. I made no new years resolutions because I have no motivation. Your pics are getting better and better.

TJones said...

You are getting great with that new camera!Keep it up!

Shirley said...

So after the appt tomorrow, and I get the go ahead, I would love to start going to the gym with you, lets make it together at least once a week leaving our bundles with Gparents or daddies! OK! Also would love to get a little crafty with you too in fact I would just love to be around you all the time! Love you girl and your determination!