Monday, June 29, 2009

Bees Game #2

Gage loved the last Bees game we took him to, so we had to take him again. We went with Grandpa & Grandma Sean & Stacey. We knew that rain was in the forecast but I guess we just thought that we would get lucky. It started out really nice and we had perfect seats and the weather was perfect. Gage of course was loving every second of it. Then it took a turn for the worst around 2-3 innings and the rain just started pouring. We eventually had to move to cover. After about an hour or so the rain stopped but everything was wet and it was cold! It was about 9:15 at this point and Gage was cold and fussy so we decided to leave :( It was kinda a bummer but hopefully the next game will work out better, dang rain!!

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